About Us

About Us
SESTO Fasteners are an agent of ICCONS® Australia. The SESTO / ICCONS® supply partnership provides customers with superior product knowledge, availability and service. We specialise in Seismic ETA C1 C2 anchors while providing a quality commodity offering.
Specialty Screwbolts
Unlike through bolts or Sleeve anchors, a Screwbolt is not an expansion anchor. Expansion anchors cause unnecessary stress on the concrete or substrate material meaning the anchor has limitations. A Screwbolt threads itself through concrete or substrate, this is beneficial for a number of reasons.
Larger surface area spreads the load evenly down the shank of the screwbolt, allowing for far higher tension loads
Easy install time, efficient
Non-expansion, no stress on substrate
Screwbolts are removable and reusable
One piece anchor design, more robust than its counterparts, the Thru-bolt & Sleeve Anchor
Our Mission
To provide point of difference quality anchoring solutions with premium service.