SESTO Car Comparison Infographic

Sesto Fastener's POWER GRID

Audisesto marketing
Sesto Fasteners is so dedicated to performance that we've decided to match up the capabilities of our two most powerful vehicles yet, to see which ...
SESTO promotional car comparison graphic between the Audi RS3 and Honda Civic Type R.

Super Hatch to Hyper Hatch: Sesto Gains Horsepower

Audisesto marketing
As we welcome our new Audi RS3 to the Sesto fleet, we say goodbye to our Honda Civic Type R. With the changeover from super hatch power to hyper ha...
Audi with Sesto Fasteners decals and wrap in a construction site.

Keep a Lookout! SESTO Audi RS3 Is On The Road

Audisesto marketing
  Here at Sesto Fasteners, it's fair to say we are serious about concrete anchoring. So when the time came for a new company vehicle, it only made ...