At SESTO Fasteners, we have always been very conscious of our recycling. Particularly in regards to the recycling our plastic packaging.
Following the Governments proposal to phase out Hard-to-recycle PVC and polystyrene packaging, we feel as though it is time to play our part for the concrete fastener industry. You can read more on this plan with the link below.
For some time now SESTO Fasteners has provided an all in one Bottom Plate Solution package, known as the 'Tub' format. This tub includes 50 Screwbolts or Throughbolts, 50 square washers and socket to fix the concrete anchor.
In an effort to reduce plastic waste and provide sustainable solutions to the building industry, Sesto has introduced a Cardboard bulk format concrete fastener pack. These 'Eco Packs' as we call them, will succeed the current 'Plastic Tub' formats we use to contain our 'all in one' Bottom Plate Concrete
Anchor solution package. This transition will be carried out through 2021.

"If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot" Lets look after our planet!
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